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Ember vs React

Why I chose Ember over React for my next web app project

A week ago, I decided to spend 7 full days learning a couple of the more popular MV** frameworks, after which I would write a little about my learnings and make a choice for my newest project. I had watched a presentation called Comparing Hot JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS, Ember.js and React.js by Matt Raible, and was inspired to quantify my framework selection a little more thoroughly, even if inevitably I make my choice from the gut. Read more about my experiment with JS frameworks.

npm install unsupported url type

npm install returns an “Unsupported URL Type” error

While working on an Ember.js app today, I hit an odd snag.  Running a standard npm install was bombing terribly on my Mac.  And 10 minutes of my google-fu wasn’t turning up any good leads.  I had searched for “npm install ERR! Unsupported URL Type“, upon other variants, but I had missed something. The Solution What I had missed was a […]

The .1 release is the listening release

The .1 Release is the Listening Release

Developers love to launch.  It’s the culmination of weeks or months of work (if it’s years, you better be building an operating system) and the public is about to see what you’ve created.  But it’s far from the end of your big release.

And if you’re juggling multiple projects, it’s tempting to wipe your hands clean after a site or app launches, and change your full focus to a new project.

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