Cluster Fudge - WordCamp Austin 2014

Cluster Fudge: Recipes for WordPress in the Cloud (WordCamp Austin 2014)

About a month ago, I gave a talk at WordCamp Austin 2014 about running enterprise-class WordPress in clustered, cloud-hosted environments. Thanks to all who attended, and for your great questions! While it was standing room only for “Cluster Fudge: Recipes for WordPress in the Cloud”, I hope that everyone who wanted to get in was able to see my presentation.

I’d love to keep the discussion going, so feel free to offer your own best practices and tips for success in running WordPress in the cloud at scale! You can leave comments at the bottom of the page.

Adjusted Bounce Rate WordPress Plugin released!

I’ve just released a new WordPress plugin for better tracking of adjusted bounce rate, time on page, and time on site metrics in Google Analytics!

The problem is that Google Analytics does not properly track some important engagement metrics like Avg Time on Site, Avg Session Duration, and Bounce Rate. This plugin enhances a commonly-accepted JavaScript method of improving the accuracy of these stats, but with some extra features and options.

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