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Cookies blocked in wordpress error message.

When you can’t log into WordPress because your “Cookies are blocked”

But your cookies are turned on, you’ve cleared them along with the rest of your cache, and the problem exists in every browser!

A typical scenario is when you’ve copied your website from it’s test URL to production, or maybe you’re even just syncing down your prod data to your dev environment, as I do every once in a while to make sure I’m writing code against realistic data sets. After restoring the copied site files and importing your MySQL database dumb into your dev db, you innocently try to navigate to your /wp-admin page and log in. And you can’t log in because of some weird errors like “Cookies are blocked” on your system … frustrating.


I’m really looking forward to SXSW 2012!

Today is the last day to vote for proposals for next year’s SXSW Interactive Festival (though if history precedes itself, it could be extended), and I’ve spent a good amount of time promoting what I think should be a killer topic for attendees.  “Deploying WordPress:  From Zero to Ninja” will cover business-oriented subjects like developing in […]

Apache HTTP Won’t Start Because Port 80 is Being Used?

Try uninstalling Web Deploy 2.0.  I’ve had IIS and Apache running smoothly for months on a new machine, and suddenly after installing SQL Server 2008 R2 and some Silverlight (yuck) tools to maintain an existing app, Apache reported that port 80 was already taken by “Microsoft HTTPAPI/2.0”.  I think it snuck in, along with an unwanted […]

When your app hits a snag, how do you treat your users?

I really don’t mind being patient with Google+ site errors, but I really would prefer an accurate error message to being given a list of all the things it *could* be. But let’s talk about our own websites, and how they could work better when errors pop up.  You should ensure that your users are […]

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